The Mayflower
The Mayflower was a famous ship that transported the English/Leiden Separatists, better know as Pilgrims, from Plymouth, England to Plymouth, Massachusetts (which would become the capital of Plymouth Colony) in 1620. There were 102 passengers, including and a crew of 25–30.
Our family has multiple connections to some the Mayflower passengers.
Who are we related to?
-->His daughter Isabella (Chilton) Chandler came over to the Colony around 1630. She is the 7th great-grandmother of Agnes Colista (Palmer) Shaver.
-->His daughter Jane (Cooke) Mitchell came over to the Colony in 1623 (aboard the Anne). She is the 7th great-grandmother of Agnes Colista (Palmer) Shaver.
-->George is the 6th great-grandfather of Agnes Colista (Palmer) Shaver.
and William & Susanna White (his parents)
-->Peregine is the 5th great-grandfather of Agnes Colista (Palmer) Shaver.
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