Charitable Giving


At our previous family reunion in August 2012, Dan Wood recommended that since our funds from the white elephant have been so successful, that we donate a portion on behalf of the Shaver Family Reunion to a charitable cause. It was seconded by Merlin Shaver and was voted affirmatively.


We set a monetary amount of $100 and decided unanimously to donated toward the Talons Out Honor Flight. The Honor Flight is a non-profit organization that helps fly World War II veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit their memorial site.  Our family member Merlin Shaver, participated on October 26, 2013.

Here is an article concerning his participation and the Honor Flight:


In appreciation for Dan and Sandy Wood, who have graciously continued to open up their home to the Shaver family reunion for many, many years, the reunion attendees voted to extend a one-time gift to them in the amount of $100 from our charitable fund. Their efforts and assistance with all the behind-the-scenes reunion preparation is greatly appreciated.